Class XML_Query2XML_Driver_DB


Driver for the database abstraction layer PEAR DB.


  1.  $driver XML_Query2XML_Driver::factory(DB::connect(...));

Located in /Query2XML/Driver/DB.php (line 44)

Method Summary
XML_Query2XML_Driver_DB __construct ( $db)
array getAllRecords (mixed $sql, string $configPath)
string preprocessQuery (mixed &$query, string $configPath)
Constructor __construct (line 60)


  • throws: XML_Query2XML_DBException If the fetch mode cannot be set to DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC.
  • access: public
XML_Query2XML_Driver_DB __construct ( $db)
  • DB_Common $db: An instance of a class that extends DB_Common.
getAllRecords (line 146)

Execute a SQL SELECT stement and fetch all records from the result set.

array getAllRecords (mixed $sql, string $configPath)
  • mixed $sql: The SQL query as an array containing the element 'query'.
  • string $configPath: The config path; used for exception messages.

Redefinition of:
This method, when implemented executes the query passed as the first argument and returns all records from the result set.
preprocessQuery (line 88)

Pre-processes a query specification and returns a string representation of the query.

This method will call parent::preprocessQuery(). Additionally it will verify $query['limit'] and $query['offset'].

  • return: The query statement as a string.
  • throws: XML_Query2XML_ConfigException If $query['limit'] or $query['offset'] is set but not numeric. This exception might also bubble up from parent::preprocessQuery().
  • access: public
string preprocessQuery (mixed &$query, string $configPath)
  • mixed &$query: A string or an array containing the element 'query'.
  • string $configPath: The config path; used for exception messages.

Redefinition of:
Pre-processes a query specification and returns a string representation of the query.

Inherited Methods

Inherited From XML_Query2XML_Driver


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